This presents a significant public health challenge as viral shedding—and the spread of the virus—can still occur even in the absence of symptoms. Before Omicron, the peak contagiousness of the virus was two days before symptoms appeared and three days afterward, with viral shedding peaking on or before the appearance of symptoms. When symptoms do develop—and the number of viruses in the body (called the viral load) continues to increase—a person will be at their peak contagiousness and most able to transmit it to others. EIS is a real organization, and the movie's depiction of its staff earns praise for accuracy from the specialists we interviewed.
Think about how a crowd of protesters might suddenly erupt into violence, as in the January 6th, 2021, attack on the U.S. Social contagion may also be blamed for waves of self-injurious behaviors, such as extreme diets, self-cutting, copycat shootings, and even suicide. You will also need to have two consecutive negative test results 24 hours apart to confidently end isolation. If not (or if your symptoms persist), you may need to isolate well beyond 20 days. If you are asymptomatic with COVID-19 but then develop symptoms, you would need to restart isolation at day 0. If you have mild COVID-19 but experience a recurrence or worsening symptoms, you would also need to restart at day 0.
Immunocompromised People
If you are immunocompromised, the duration of contagiousness can be longer simply because it takes longer for the immune system to control the infection. While there is no rule as to how much longer that might be, a 2023 study in the journal Pathophysiology reported that immunocompromised people have a median viable viral shedding period of four weeks. Contagious diseases can be spread by an infected person for varying lengths of time. With a viral infection, the length that one is contagious can vary depending on the virus. The flu, for example, also known as influenza, is usually infectious from the day before symptoms develop until five to seven days afterward. The common cold, on the other hand, can be infectious from a few days before symptoms appear until all of the symptoms have disappeared.
The way vaccine development was portrayed in the film was not terribly realistic, says Madaline. “We were trying to tell a story that was credible within the boundaries of scientific understanding, but also illuminate how our world might respond — that is why the poster of the movie says ‘nothing spreads like fear,’ ” he adds. Scott Burns, the screenwriter of Contagion, wrote in an email to NPR that the filmmakers wanted to tell the story of a “plausible” outbreak — “not a Hollywood exaggeration.” The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. Passive immunity means the antibodies were transferred from one person to another, like from mother to baby through the placenta or breastfeeding.
So, even if there are no symptoms, the infected person can still unwittingly transmit the virus to others. When you are infected with COVID-19, the virus goes through what is called the incubation period. This is the time between exposure to the virus and the first appearance of symptoms. With COVID-19, the incubation period is generally two to three days following exposure. Even though the film is not a documentary, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention pointed out when the movie was released, it does have scientific content — sometimes accurate, sometimes not — about viral outbreaks.
Is Contagiousness Different in Children and Adolescents?
R0 refers to the average number of people infected by one sick person, and the R0 in Contagion climbs as the film progresses. But the speed of transmission and some of the pathways shown were not fully accurate, notes epidemiologist Madaline. For example, the film hints that on the day Paltrow contracts the virus, she visits a casino, blows on dice and touches a bowl of nuts, which become “fomites” that spread the virus to others.
Google searches with the film's name have skyrocketed since early 2020, when news of the novel coronavirus broke. So, the next time you find yourself engaging in unexpected behavior, you might look around and try to figure out if you have been a victim of social contagion. Behavioral contagion is the process by which others’ behaviors are replicated.
An influenza epidemic turned into a deadly pandemic in 1918, when it spread around the globe. In World War I, the fact that troops were moving and spent much of their time in close quarters helped fuel its expansion. Of the five hundred million people who were infected, at least fifty million died. Social contagion is the subtle and sometimes unwitting spread of emotions or behaviors from one individual to others. People with severe COVID-19 (such as those who have been hospitalized or placed on a ventilator) may need to extend their isolation to 20 days as they are often infectious well beyond 10 days.
- A chef preps a presumably infected pig, puts his hand in its mouth and then without having washed up goes on to shake hands with Paltrow's character, transferring the virus to her.
- Contagious diseases can be spread by an infected person for varying lengths of time.
- Generally, COVID-19 infections in children and adolescents cause less severe illness and fewer deaths than in adults.
- With a viral infection, the length that one is contagious can vary depending on the virus.
- According to a study in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, which monitored 1,394 families from 2020 to 2021, children were actually more likely to transmit COVID-19 than other members of their households.
There are situations in which the contagiousness of COVID-19 extends well beyond 10 days. According to the CDC, people with severe COVID-19 or those who are moderately to severely immunocompromised may remain contagious for longer and need to isolate for 20 days or even more. During this period, viral particles will start to be shed through exhaling, talking, laughing, and other means.
Even so, the likelihood of transmission decreases as fewer viruses are shed over time. Based on current evidence, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends isolating for at least five days if you have mild or asymptomatic COVID-19 and at least 10 days if you have moderate to severe COVID-19. If you test positive for COVID-19, the duration of contagiousness can vary. This is because the virus can be shed (meaning released from the body through talking, exhaling, etc.) for anywhere from days to months depending on your age, vaccination status, immune status, severity of infection, and any preexisting conditions you may have.
It can be shared through direct contact, like touching someone who is infected; indirect contact, like touching an object that is contaminated; or droplet contact, like inhaling the droplets expelled by an infected person talking, coughing, or sneezing. A contagion, like a virus or bacteria, is the agent responsible for causing contagious diseases. Even so, asymptomatic infections tend to be less virulent than symptomatic infections, partly because the peak viral load tends to be lower. In some cases, the duration of contagiousness may be no longer than three days. A 2023 study from Northwestern University found that people with COVID-19 exhale as many as 800 copies of the virus per minute during the first eight days after symptoms appear. So, even though the viral load may be dropping, infectious viral particles may continue to be exhaled.
When Is COVID-19 Most Contagious?
Like the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease now called COVID-19, the movie virus jumped from animals to people. The imaginary Contagion disease kills over 20% of those infected, a magnitude beyond the estimated 2% or so death rate in the current outbreak. For example, in 2014, the Ebola virus caused an epidemic that killed thousands of people, largely in western Africa. It was a propagated epidemic as the virus spread through human contact with contaminated body fluids. As families tended to sick relatives and other caregivers helped ill patients, many were exposed to the virus and became sick themselves. Where social contagion processes become problematic is when there is a spread among people of harmful behaviors.
Does Vaccination Reduce Contagion?
However, this shouldn't suggest that everyone with COVID-19 peaks at the same time or even that a drop in your viral load corresponds to a drop in viral shedding. Wortmann notes that “with a large outbreak, it would be difficult for all health care workers to [completely] maintain appropriate infection prevention measures, and I think the film recognizes those gaps.” For the novel coronavirus in China, he says, the period of time before transmission is possible is looking like five to six days. Our experts say Paltrow wouldn't necessarily be able to transmit the virus that quickly after becoming infected. “It would take some period of time — at least days — for her to shed the virus from her respiratory tract or saliva,” says Madaline. The movie indeed has some similarities to the current coronavirus outbreak.
British Dictionary definitions for contagion
This includes people on chemotherapy, organ transplant recipients on immunosuppressants, and people with advanced untreated human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This further reinforces the need for face masks and other preventive measures once isolation typically ends (after the fifth day following symptom onset or a positive test). Other interventions, such as face masks and the avoidance of close contact, can help prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 once you leave isolation. The very fact that the movie script mentions the R0 factor is a plus, say the specialists. “The current outbreak has hopefully helped people understand the concept of R0 a little better,” says Hanage.